Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Napoleonic Prussian Muster

A collection spanning thirty years are a variety of figure manufacturers and acquisitions, although most have been painted by me.

Using the pages feature of Blogger I have itemised each "unit".  Generally they are modelled on a regiment and in Napoleon's Battles represent brigade although of course what the Prussians called a brigade was equivalent to a division.  Regardless each base of four figure equates to 480 men, 320 cavalry or a 6 to 8 gun battery.

What you see above is:

  • An army command General(4) with the detachable Blucher option.
  • A wing commander General(3)
  • Four corps commanders General(2)
  • Fourteen division commander General(1)
  • Two 16PrHC
  • Two 16PrLC
  • Five 12PrLC
  • Two 16PrLWC
  • Six Pr12#
  • Eight Pr6#
  • One PrHHA
  • Two 20PrGD/GN
  • Seven 20PrLN
  • Three 16PrLN
  • One 24PrRES
  • Two 20PrRES
  • One 20PrLW
  • Eight 16PrLW
  • Three 12PrLW
  • Five casualty markers
  • And three other markers.
It is possible to change the configuration/size of the units.  I also have Portuguese and British Rifle units that can be added in as PrRES troops. 

The David Nash book on the Prussian Army 1808-1815 provides an Order of Battle comprising 45 infantry regiments (which generally equate to a Napoleon's Battles unit), in 16 Brigades (which are divisional equivalents) with 10 cavalry brigades and 9 12pdr batteries, 13 horse/howitzer batteries in 4 corps.  

So I would seem to be 20 regiments, 1 cavalry brigade, 3 12pdr, 4 6pdr and 6 divisional commanders short.  I didn't count the grenadiers or heavy cavalry or consider the Portuguese et al additions

However, at 124 cavalry figures and 436 infantry figures that equates to about 10,000 sabres and 52,000 bayonets.  David Nash gives a figure of 12,000 and 100,000 respectively.  Oh well, back to the painting table!

What I plan/hope to do is create a page for this blog where I can itemise the units and help keep track of my Prussian army (as well as creating future pages for my other armies).  Time will tell.