Sunday, March 26, 2023

Here I Sail

NWS Games Day and Simon put on a game using his hand crafted Renaissance galleys and an adoption of the Galleys Guns And Glory rules.  I commanded the Venetian fleet ably assisted by Olivier and Mark B on the left and right wings respectively.  Simon had the Ottomans occasionally assisted by Stephen.

The scenario was that the Venetians were escorting a plunder ship back to base when they are set upon by those who had been plundered.

Five squadrons of galleys in Venetian service heading home.
That cute little ship in the middle is a Zvedza model,
laden with gold! 

The Ottomans pounce!
They want their gold back.
They score an immediate set of hits on one Venetian galley, wrecking it.
Note: red dots represent that a ship has fired - it can take a while to reload.

All the galleys are quickly engaged,
except that main Ottoman squadron which is coming up the rear.

More ships are wrecked in the fighting.
But it can take time to disengage from a wreck.

The Black Sail squadron (top right) suffers a morale crisis.
This will give the Venetians a chance to breakthrough.

The Ottoman main fleet has arrived, but it is too late.
Many Ottoman ships have been sunk and the Venetians and the plundered gold 
are sailing off into the sunset.

Going back and reading the rules there were few things where we might have erred:

  1. when a vessel reaches half hull strength it also drops a maneuverability class (p9)
  2. morale tests also occur when a squadron drops to half strength (p8)
  3. after winning a boarding action the winning side can leave the enemy ship, set in on fire or tow it by placing a prize crew on board (p8)
  4. ships can make one turn at anytime during their move (p9)
  5. small arms fire is not simultaneous (p16)
  6. captains - we realised that we were missing markers for these during the game

House Rules (as in I can't find these in the GGG rules):

  1. Disengaging after a successful ram.
  2. Fouling on a wreck.

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