Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Barbarossa - Turn Thirteen

Map relocation (Operation "No Tears or Tears") successfully completed; the game goes on!

First there are the battles:

AGN trying to breakthrough to Pskov,
hard work in the mud.

AGC trying to cross the Dnepr.
Rivers never seem to get wider post rain...

AGS back on the move.

The Romanians mopping up on the border.
They can shoot across but not cross.

The Germans have no issues with crossing into Ukraine.

The situation end of July 17, 1941.

AGN in the mud.
After Pskov there is not much else on this map,
The main road goes off the top north or bottom south of the map.

AGC up against the Dnepr.
Although the Soviets are pulling back

AGS surging East,
still well within their supply lines.
At five miles to the hex there sure is plenty of empty space.

Romania closing up to the enemy.

Next turn there is fine weather and the Italians arrive (arrivano gli Italiani).


  1. Good to hear the great migration occurred without incident.

    1. Once we had a plan the process worked well, which is good, as we will have to do it again to fit in Moscow and the Crimea/Rostov.
