Thursday, March 23, 2023

Barbarossa - Turn Fourteen

Turn fourteen represents 18 and 19 July.  First up the combats:

AGN closing in on Pskov

AGC pushing towards Smolensk

While down the Dnepr AGC also pushes towards Gomel.

AGS about to punch a big hole

While on the Romanian front it is slow and steady.

And now the situation as of the end of 19 July:

and a breakthrough of sorts.
But there is a lot of nothing out there,
you could say there are no roads to no where.

and a definite breakthrough towards Gomel,
but elsewhere the Soviets have pulled back,
more than been pushed back.

AGS has finally broken through 
and the Soviets have pulled back (you could say have run for it).
A lot of those strongpoints have been abandoned.

Down in Romania it looks like it will be left to the Germans to prosecute the war.
But wait, the Italians have arrived to help (purple unit middle LHS).
Intense negotiations are surely happening in Bucharest 
between the German Ambassador and the Romanian Government. 

Looking ahead to the next turn and things are about to bog down for AGN and AGC as its raining!

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