Sunday, March 12, 2023

Don't Mention The War - Part 37

As we move into May/June 1944 the weather fines up and the skies over Europe are filled with enemy planes intent on mischief.  On the Eastern Front only a few get through, but Communist artillery does the work for them, inverting critical parts of the front line.  Subsequent attacks punch two holes which included capturing Vilnius.

Soviet soldier wearing improved uniform

On the Western Front large parts of the front are ground struck, including Rommel who has newly arrived and was thoughtfully taking some time out in the Ardennes.  A subsequent attack pushed into Belgium.

Defender of Europe bravely telling the Yankees to "go home"

<< nach Hause gehen >>

The only bright side was that few casualties were inflicted on the brave defenders who were actively and successfully dodging bullets (if not shells and bombs).

Elsewhere the Imperialist virus is creeping up the leg of Italy.

Orders to "squash the invaders like bugs"
may have been taken too literally
by this unit.

Production March/April 1944

Strategic bombing cost Germany four build points.  Production is focussed on infantry and fighter planes.


  1. Just checking your production and there is no Wonder Weapons!
    I hope that mechanised unit is a Maus 😁

    1. There are some jet fighters and V weapons. The latter are for strategic bombardment and of little use at this stage. As for the fighters, I seem to be just in a replacement cycle at the moment. Add to that my diminished build capacity - result: misery!
