Thursday, March 2, 2023

Barbarossa - Completion of Turn Eleven

Speed of play has somewhat bogged down with the bit of mud.  The die rolls for the next turn have been done and the forecast is for more mud!  And we are still in the dry season!!

These images are from the end of Turn 11, which covers the two days 12 and 13 July.

Army Group North

Army Group Centre

Army Group South



  1. I assume mud affects supply, movement and armour effects bonus - air support?

    1. Supply range reduced (from 7 to 5 hexes) to road and road supply range reduced from 21 hexes to 17 hexes from rail head. Rail repair/conversion cost is doubled. Movement, particularly motorised off road is severely reduced (minor roads cease to function and so in clear go from 1/2 a MP to 3 MP for Axis motorised (so in dry a Pz Division could go 14 hexes suddenly can slow to just 2 hexes). Combat not affected except you can't do over runs or infiltration and artillery is affected and some terrain affects vary. Air support is affected by reduced ability to move air units from the flown box to the active box.
