Friday, April 1, 2022

Don't Mention The War - Part 3

In February 1940 the raging blizzard that had so thwarted the Allied attacks on Germany abated leaving a heavy blanket of snow.  In their frustration the nefarious RAF (that is R for ruthless) indiscriminately bombed German cities destroying kindergartens and market gardens, mostly by strewing them with litter.  Disgusting!

"Just wait till they get a load of this rubbish"

Of course the proud Luftwaffe had to respond and peacefully dropped some self help pamphlets on some French cities, reminding them that they can not trust the dastardly British.

The Kriegsmarine and Royal Netherlands Navy deployed their Unterseeboots and Onderzeebot in a broadening of the conflict.  The Dutch subs were particularly successful in damaging British convoys along with the battleship HMS Vanguard.

scourge of the Royal Navy

The mining of the Norwegian coast and the blizzard/snow means the loss of resources that has to be made up by using oil, luckily the bad weather has reduced the need to use oil.  

Taking half the production points Germany commissioned Rommel (Armoured HQ costing 8 Build Points), manufactured some fighter planes to deter the RAF (that is R for Rubbish), a few more subs put in the docks and raised a Slovakian Army Corps (thus reflecting the international flavour of the nations forming the Axis, with surely more nations to follow).

Happy Slovakian soldiers

In March/April 1940 the so called Allies stole the initiative, but were then horrified to find General Winter had deserted them and there had been a break out of fine weather everywhere around the globe.  Stalin declares war on Iran which is not appreciated by the US.  In contrast the almost peaceful occupation of the Belgium cities of Liege and Antwerp by Germany go unnoticed.  All those letters to Congress have created plenty of FUD.

However the bad weather returns.

Under cover of a storm, as the Allies debate whether to invade Belgium, the Wehrmacht moves in to protect Brussels (a plus 12.4 assault for which I rolled a much appreciated 15 taking it to Top Of The Table).  Just in time as the British had moved up Gort in an attempt to create a regime change in Belgium.  However with King Leopold III safe visiting Hitler in Berchtesgaden, ain't gonna happen.

Hitler asks King Leopold III if he wouldn't rather feel safer with his subjects in the Congo?  He doesn't get a reply.  Fair enough.

In other news the US has found yet more oil in Texas which at the current state of Congress they might well start selling to Germany.  Japan received a very bloody nose in China.  The Soviets have also been building up along the Rumanian border.  They fancy Bessarabia, but know if the Rumanians resist it could mean the US dropping out of proceedings altogether.  They also seem bogged down due to the weather in Iran where it has now started snowing!  Stalin says to unleash the Siberians.


  1. All sounds very confusing :) Next thing you know French blitz columns will be invading Switzerland.

    1. Just remember truth is the first casualty of war.

      That said my AAR is remarkably accurate and factual!

  2. Posed pictures of "happy Slovakian soldiers' wait till they get their orders off to the Eastern front - not so happy

    1. Actually that photo was said to be from the Eastern Front, but must have been early days. I just used a bit of artistic licence in my attribution.
