Saturday, July 2, 2022

War For The Union via Vassal August 1861

The Union call up 100,000 militia as well as three new generals.  McClellan takes over the defence of Washington and McDowell and 15,000 men are railed to Hagerstown. River transport takes 5,000 men to reinforce Butler at Ft Monroe.  10,000 men sail from Philadelphia and occupy New Berne. 

Contra to the Confederates expectations, Lyons stays in the Far West and is reinforced, building his army back to 20,000 men.

Curtis with 5,000 men is railed to Belmont, south of Cairo.  A further 10,000 men sail down from St Louis to join him.  Freemont takes up a position in Indianapolis to oversee recruitment, training and that official paperwork is correctly completed and to do a little bit of fund raising.

The Confederates call for volunteers.  They also start upgrading their costal batteries.

Magruder is sent to confront the landing at New Berne.

J E Johnston rests his troops and Beauregard get reinforcements bringing his strength to 20,000.

In the West the rebels start entrenching with plans for fort construction being drawn up.

In the Far West Price finds he is unsupplied, but that seizing Springfield, MO, will allow his 10,000 men to feed themselves.

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