Sunday, July 24, 2022

The Lamps Are Going Out

Another new game to play and now played.  This one a high level strategic game of WW1.  Some innovative yet simple mechanics, quick playing.  Interesting to contrast with Paths of Glory which is similar scale and format, perhaps with one more level of complexity, but still not complex.  I think I preferred PoG for its agonising decisions although concede to Richard's view that Lamps is perhaps a better representation of WW1.

Box art, sadly the photo I thought I had taken of the game has disappeared

The who's who

The following is from Richard who was the Central Powers player.

The final scoring was as follows:

Central Powers

4 for Russia

1 for Somme

1 for Belgium

1 for Rumania

1 for Serbia

Triple Entente

-1 for East Africa

-1 for Anatolia

-1 for Austria

So a net 5. With Central Powers needing 7 to win.

It was a very close run thing in the end. I should have just concentrated on expelling you from Anatolia by sending a couple of extra German armies from Russia and holding everywhere else. That would have given me  a net 7. I blame my post-covid brain fog and all the rescheduling for that bad decision. I'm going to claim a moral victory....😁 (We were stabbed in the back).

This game is SO much better than Paths of Glory. There are no really stupid gamey things that you can do and all the outcomes are really consistent with how WW1 was fought. No stupid supply rules and you can't just march into an "empty" space and keep advancing. There is a reason to attack and press on against the Russians, unlike in PoG where it's just not necessary at all. USA entry is well handled and they do arrive in the nick of time, unlike PoG where they might never appear. Lots of lovely chrome which doesn't interfere with game play.


  1. This looks an interesting game

    1. We are playing again this week and I hope to take some photos for the next post. I will be Central Powers.

  2. I have this on my shelf but have yet to play. You tempt me.

    1. Definitely worth playing. Rules are straightforward, almost a delight. Richard says game plays well solo too.

  3. The photo of the kings looks like there was a dress code or a fancy version of those political conferences where all the leaders get the same shirt. :) Sounds like an interesting game.

    1. Good point. At least what they had was gravitas, can't say that for the current bunch of world leaders, especially when they are dressed in Hawaiian shirts or similar tourist attire.

      The game mechanics are interesting and result in a playable WW1 strategic level game.
