Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Don't Mention The War - Part 13 from Facebook

1941 Nov – Dec, The Axis Year of Regret
S/O rebase, production and reinforcement - Italy denied 2 of its resources, Sardinia (no Convoy) and Pola (Yugoslav 2.4 Cav occupying the hex). Japan also losses access to several Resources due to Partisan activity. Germany is at a full build and with an abundance of oil, primarily being at peace with Russia and the short turns, declares a N/D lend to Italy of 6 Oil and 1 R to bring Italy’s build to full production. The CW welcomes the gift of 10 US build points and promptly finishes off 3 x KGV BS and repairs 2 x R Class BS.
Axis first impulse N/D – Axis loses the initiative and Japan demands a re-roll and rolls a definitive 10! [Edit - the rolls were 8/6 and then 10/10 with the Axis having a plus one to start and winning ties, so a hard won initiative] But in typical fashion for this game, having won the initiative Japan promptly rolls another 10 for bad weather in N/D (what else is new says the German always the snow) – highs and lows of WIF, all in the blink of an eye. Storms in the Artic, Snow in the Temp and Med and rain in the N Monsoon. Despite this roll and hoping for better weather next impulse – “hope is not a plan or a strategy - DS at Staff College” – Japan declares war on the CW and takes a naval and sends out invasion fleets out to S China Sea, threating NEI, Borneo, Malaya and Singapore. Other shipping fans out to protect the fleets to ensure presence, just in case the US makes DOW and attempts to interfere. Japanese surface and CVs fail to find CW Convs in the sea areas as both Rabaul and Singapore remain in supply. This Japanese action sees two chits go into the Japanese pool as the US Senate is incensed at this aggression. Japan occupies French Indo-China further aggravating the US Senate – another chit added to the pool. Japanese land-based air are rebased to the outer rim Islands. Germany takes a land, despite the freezing temperatures and eliminates the Yugoslav Div flank guard outside Belgrade and prepares to assault the capitol. Units are railed to the Russian border and 2 x 7 factor German Ftrs are sent South to the Med to bolster the Axis air power and rest control off the plucky CW. Italy takes a combined and send its subs hunting before allied escorts arrive in the 4 boxes. They find in the warm waters off the Mouths of the Amazon and sink 3 x Convs and abort 3 others, clearing the sea area for no loss – no other finds by the CW escorts or the subs in the other three sea areas. Italian land units move towards Pola to clear the Yugoslav Cav and retake the iron mines and its minor port. EOT advances by 3, +2 on the weather.
Allied 1st Impulse. USA in a surprise move by President and supported by the Majority of the Senate makes a DOW against Germany and rolls a 3 – the US is in the war (a 3 or less was needed – another nail in the Axis coffin) The US and the CW declare Naval Actions, Russia a no cost land. The US now active, sends reinforcements to Pearl, and in a Coupe de Main land a US Div in Rabaul interfering with Japanese invasion plans. CA’s escort Allied Convs in both the ETO and PTO and the first European reinforcements arrive in Gibraltar and the UK. The Yanks have arrived, smart uniforms, swagger, money and nylons. The first Ftr acft also debark in Gibraltar. The CW sends out its Conv escorts to multiple sea areas welcoming the arrival of US CA’s. The first British Corps vacates Greece as do four Transports which flee the E Med before they get trapped by Axis air. A small CW invasion force assembles in the 3 box in the Cape St Vincent – Portugal or Morocco -that is the question? Force Z drops into the 1 box in the E Med under the cover of massed CW air to protect an intercepted loaded transport from Greece. No subsequent finds. EOT advances by another 3, +2 on the weather
Axis 2nd Impulse – weather roll 8 +2 for another 10, no fine weather for the Axis and almost a guaranteed short turn. Japan, Italy and Germany take Land actions. Japan aborts the invasion of Singapore and lands in Malaya (historical) and invades Borneo capturing one of the oilfields. The Sino-Russian front is stabilised as HQs and acft head back down to resume the campaign against China now that the Burma Road is open, more acft are rebased. Germany launches their assault against Belgrade taking the city easily after a successful GS and a TOTT roll (+18.5 and an 11.1 rolled), Pola falls in a combined attack by German and Italian forces, returning the resource back to the Italians. Yugoslavia will be conquered and come under the Axis yoke of oppression for the next few years until liberated by the Soviet or CW forces. Further units are railed to the Russian front and the 2 x 7 factor Ftrs arrive in Sardinia shifting the balance of the air war into the Axis favour – 2 x 20s rolled in the first two A2A will fix that say the RAF Ftr pilots. EOT advances by 3, +2 on the weather, EOT roll for the Allies is a 4.
Allies 2nd Impulse – next session.
· BP - Build Point
· TOTT – Top of the table a 23 or more
· LOC – Line of Communications
· NCC - No Cost Combined – no oil used
· USE - US Entry
Churchill finally gets a solid night sleeping as the US enters the war
England is now safe

CW Invasion fleet off the Cape of St Vincent
Portugal or Morocco

Yugoslavia is conquered - this annoying distraction has it cost the Germans critical time
 we shall see

Force Z in the dangerous 1 box - covered by massed CW air.

The Japanese extend themselves hunting CW Convs

The PTO - Japan expands - but the bad weather hampers OFOPS

The Far East - too many options for the Japanese

Japan invades Borneo and Malaya - Singapore next

China starts to get interesting

The US is in the war - and lends a helping hand escorting the vital convoy lanes.

US Entry - needed a 3 or less for a DOW v Germany - nice roll by the US, a 3 it was.


  1. Historical start for Japan but Germany is being a bit slow. :) Another interesting game and some difficult choices for the Axis.

    1. "A bit slow" is a bit of an understatement. The weather has been bad and the turns short and this is my first time at playing Germany. That said I have been fairly happy, but if there are not the impulses it is hard to get up speed.
