Sunday, August 16, 2020

Trial of Strength - September'44

The Soviets attack before the rains turn everything to mud.

 The Soviet offensive in Finland continues.
There has also been a breakthrough in the Carpathians
 that is throwing the Axis allies into a turmoil of uncooperation.

 Finland has surrendered.
There have been bloody attacks towards Lvow and Warsaw.

 The Axis have pulled back to shorten their supply lines
 or rather lengthen the Soviet supply lines.

A close up of the central front.  
The white unit is the Soviet Polish Army 
that has been pushed forward and is now adjacent to Warsaw.  
This should trigger the Warsaw uprising,
which is that 7 strength point unit sitting on Warsaw.

The counters with a U on them are the Soviets that have broken through the Carpathians.  They are unsupplied and will be for a while.
The counters with numbers on them are Axis units that were attacked in the Soviet turn.

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