Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Holland'44 - 3Q20 - Turns 3, 4 and half of 5

We are playing rather slowly, but the battle is developing fast.

 End of Turn 3 and the Axis have occupied the 1st Para's drop zone.
Top right hand corner in above image.

 Eindhoven is still held by the Germans.

 The reinforcements for the 1st Para's had a very rough welcome.
(Top left hand corner this time - Google has a mind of its own with image orientation it seems)
The Axis now have armour that has also been used to push the 1st Paras back.
At Nijmegen there is a bit of positioning going on...

 Turn 4 and a part of Eindhoven is still in German hands.

 This is the situation at the end of the Allied Turn 5.
The 1st Para's perimeter has shrunk at bit.
The 82nd are doing their best to protect the bridges while waiting for 30 Corps to arrive.

And here comes 30 Corps.
Flanks secured, bridges intact, nothing to stop them...


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