Saturday, August 22, 2020

Holland'44 - 3Q20 - Turns 9 to 11

The focus is now all on Arnhem.  If the Germans can take this they will win an automatic victory.

 Apart from some traffic congestion, 30th Corps has a clear run up to Nijmegen.

 A ferry has been created at Nijmegen allowing lead elements of Guards Armoured to get across.
The 1st Airborne are working hard to keep the way clear.

 The Germans are moving to secure the north bank of the Lower Rhine,
while keeping up the pressure on Arnhem.

 11th Armoured have secured the right flank.

 On the left the focus for the Allies is now 'sHerjogenborsch

 While sizeable German forces remain just off map,
the Allies seem to have well secured the corridor and are after the victory locations on the fringes.

 But the Allied focus remains on linking up with Arnhem.

 The Germans are trying to feed units into the Betuwe, but it is a slow process.
The attacks on Arnhem continue and the Germans are trying to reinforce Nijmegen.

 Allied reinforcements continue to drive up Hell's Highway.
11th Armoured face a very marshy area on the right flank.

 To deal with that they have moved to the north and are now successfully attacking south.

 82nd Airborne have linked up with 1st Airborne,
but are yet to break through to the guys trapped in Arnhem.

The overall situation on the morning of the fifth day.
The sun is yet to break through the clouds and is not expected till the afternoon.
Critical day has arrived.

Paras yet to arrive can be seen in the holding box, top right hand corner.  Allied losses amounting to 4VPs are in the second box up on the far left hand bottom corner.  More worrying for the Allies is that the US paras are running out of remnant counters and if forced to take losses it's going to hurt.

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