Sunday, February 2, 2020

Rescued Second Generation Minfigs 15mm Napoleonics

I think these are Second Generation Minfigs 15mm Napoleonics.  They were being abandoned and I couldn't resist picking them up and then I thought why not paint them as they seemed to have character and it wouldn't be too much of an effort.

 The gun is borrowed, but these Spanish artillerist are working hard to load it.

 It is kind of based for Napoleon's Battles, but clearly on a double base.
This was to give the sponger a purpose and also was an idea to show full strength with two base.
Just an idea...

 This little chap can be a disorder marker.

The pack is from a broken figure, 
in my effort to get the most use out of the windfall.


  1. Replies
    1. That was the only Spanish figures, but there are a few more officer types and random artillerists, mainly French or British.

  2. Very handsome! I recognize the fellow urging on those following him with a raise shako. I have a few of those in my own long abandoned (stored) 15mm French force. A useful figure.

    Best Regards,

