Friday, November 17, 2023

Plancenoit Post Completed

Stefan and I recreated where we had left off and pressed on commencing with the 1930 turn.

French cavalry make another charge to slow the Prussians.
The Prussians have cavalry of their own to contribute.

Prussian infantry attack.

The first attack on Plancenoit

Part of Plancenoit is now in Prussian hands.
The Young Guard hold the rest,
but the Old Guard are on their way.

The Old Guard attack!

The Prussians have been pushed out of Plancenoit.

The Old Guard then despatch the other Prussians threatening Plancenoit.
(In all the excitement the photographic record tends to suffer)

But here are the repulsed Prussians.

Another massed Prussian attack.

The Old Guard have help.

But the Old Guard finish the job.
and are finished off by Winner's Losses, 
one of those delightful features of Napoleon's battle rule.


  1. Quite the hammer and tongs fight you would expect. Nicely done.

    1. Thanks. A second refight post will be up tomorrow.
