Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Hearts of Iron - Australia and New Zealand - Part 6

From the desk of the NZ PM, the Right Honourable Mr Bruce, who has now caught up with all his paperwork.

16 May 1940

The Axis forces in Italian East Africa are now much reduced.  More importantly, they are cut off from Europe, having lost their last port, and must rely on local supplies.

Progress in Italian East Africa: 19 February 1940 on left and 16 May 1940 on right


After that, things became more difficult.  The Axis units were all defending in mountains.  They had just enough local supply from their new capital to keep them going.  The Axis were now more concentrated in their pocket.  Their interior lines allowed them to reinforce just enough new units to keep battles going a long time.

As the weeks rolled past and the ANZAC losses mounted, commanders wondered whether this was really the best place to deploy the few ANZAC troops.  Perhaps they should leave the British to grind out the last mountain strongholds.  Perhaps they should redeploy north to push the Italians out of Libya.  Perhaps they should relocate to assist the brave Norwegians defending against the German invaders where, though outnumbered, they would have the advantage of the mountainous terrain.  Only time will tell…