Saturday, November 25, 2023

Hearts of Iron - Australia and New Zealand - Part 7

From the desk of the NZ PM, the Right Honourable Mr Bruce.

18 March 1941

Italian East Africa is entirely conquered! 

Australia suggested one last push to finish off the isolated pocket.  Carefully preparations and planning maximized every available advantage.  When the ANZAC attack started in one area the British launched a series of attacks on other areas that pinned down any potential reinforcements.  This time, the ANZAC attack succeeded.  Once the Axis started retreating they were pursued by armour and motorised units so they had no opportunity to regroup. 

Meanwhile, there have been the developments in Italian North Africa where ANZAC motorised and armoured units played a small but important role.

At 16 May 1940 the front was stuck near the Egyptian border due to a lack of supply.

By 7 November 1940, the British had invaded Benghazi by sea 
and expanded their bridgehead so that Tobruk was isolated.

18 March 1941, the Tobruk pocket was closed, the Italians had been chased back to Tripoli and outflanked around their southern flank, and Tripoli was captured from the west.

The few remaining Axis troops were isolated and out of supply.  Presumably, they would be quickly destroyed.

What then for the ANZAC forces?  Invade Sicily?  Defend against the Axis invasions in Norway or Greece?  Or defend somewhere closer to home given the Japanese gains in China?  Only time will tell…


  1. In view of the unexpected success that had attended ANZAC arms, Prime Minister Menzies - already becoming styled 'the Merciless' - arranged a summit meeting with the junior partner in the enterprise, Fraser the Frazzled.
    'Whodya reckon, Pete, m'boy, that we take over the whole shebang?' Menzies began without preamble.
    'What, the whole North African littoral?' quavered the Shaky Isles PM, wondering whether conscription was such a good plan after all.
    'Nah!' the Oz PM's tone was dismissive. 'The whole of Africa. 'Rate we're going we'll have the place in the bag within six munce!'
    'Bit of a tall order, don't you reckon?'
    'Nah. The locals love us here. We can recruit them as auxiliaries, promising 'freedom' and all that kinda ... er... stuff.'
    'We-e-e-lll...' mused Fraser, 'If you're sure. But I reckon even taking the East Dorsal in Tunisia will be a ridge too far...'

    1. Excellent. Except I'm playing as Curtin. Menzies is available as a backstabbing political operative.

  2. Damn. I ought to have paid more attention as to dates. Reckon I could have got in some comment along the lines of 'It'll be Curtins'...
