Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Barbarossa - Completion of Turn Ten and part of Turn Eleven

Turn 10 finished with Soviets in situ in the north and centre, but pulling back in the south, effectively clearing out of Bessarabia.

For 12/13 July (Turn 11) the weather reverted to clear in the north and centre, but with some lingering mud, but a mandatory mud turn occurred for the south (this is after five clear weather turns you apparently must have some rain).  

The following images are just the declared Axis combats after air combat and AA fire for Turn 11.

A small bit of mopping up in Courland

AGN attempts top breakthrough near Pskov.
It went badly for them.

AGC is now up against the river line of the Dnepr.
Their attempts to fight their way across were thwarted.
(Richard threw four 10s in a row on a CRT were a low roll is good)

AGS wallows in the mud,
but still launches three successful attacks.
However the Soviets have pulled back so it is a hollow victory.

So ended this session.  Axis motorised and then Soviet turn to do to complete Turn 11.

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