Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Barbarossa - Completion of Turn Nine and part of Turn Ten

The session commenced with the Soviet turn.  The following images are at the end of Turn Nine.

The Northern Front

The Central Front
(apologies for the dump of Emergency Supply counters on the RHS)

The Southern Front

Turn Ten or 10/11 July 1941

The good weather couldn't last and the northern and central maps descended into mud.  Weather changes supply ranges, and various terrain aspects also become different affecting play (which means more checking of rules and studying of charts - always a dangerous thing as we found we had made a few mistakes, most critical was finding Riga was just a city, not a major city which means ZOCs would not have been blocked.  Whoops!).

These next four images are the declared combats by the Axis.

South of Lake Pskov the Soviet airforce made a surprise showing 
as the Axis tried to smash the first of two defensive lines.

Army Group Centre used the bad weather to mop up 
isolated Soviet units

Army Group South makes a critical attack on Ternopol (centre left)
clears some roadblocks in the centre
and makes an important thrust (to the north of centre)
to clear the road/rail line leading to Kiev.

The Romanians still have some work to do to liberate Bessarabia.

These final set of photos are from after combat resolution, but before the Axis motorised phase.

AGN stalled.

AGC spread out before the Soviets holding a formidable defensive line based on the Dnepr River

AGS has cleared all its obstacles, but plenty of Soviet units remain.

In Bessarabia it is going to be slow and bloody work


  1. Such a monster game. Great photos.

    1. Thanks. The new phone is doing an excellent job, but it is hard getting the whole theatre of operations into a single shot, especially when I am holding the phone above the table and can't see the viewing screen.

  2. Looking good - I am surprised there is a Motorised phase in mud, is it reduced ?

    1. The Terrain Effects Chart has four entries for each terrain type depending on the weather - Dry, Mud, Frost and Snow. In Mud a clear hex goes from being 1 MP to 3 for Axis Motorised (2 for other units). Minor Roads cease to function and even Main Roads lose their bonus, only Motorways (the red lines) retain their benefit.
