Thursday, January 5, 2023

Barbarossa - Completion of fourth turn and some of the fifth turn

This session took longer than expected due to finding a rule clarification affecting road movement in difficult terrain.  Simply, if you exit from the difficult terrain having entered by a road then you don't qualify for the road movement.  Makes sense, but only applies if the exiting occurs immediately post entering (or rather, if you start in difficult terrain on a road, exiting not via the road doesn't incur any additional penalty).

More importantly, railroad conversion for AGS is limited to four hexes per turn with certain hexes costing double (swamp, marsh etc).

Certainly for AGS these clarifications would mean that the advance might not have been a far as it is, although, having caught the correction early enough and redone the railway, not too serious.

Three blurry photos:

AGN attacks - getting closer to Riga

AGC attacks - getting closer to Minsk

AGS - getting closer to Lvov

Three better photos:

AGN at the end of Turn 4

AGC at the end of Turn 4

AGS at the end of Turn 4

Turn Five (30 June/1st July 1941)

My phone seems to be the best way to take images of this game.  They certainly expand well.

AGN declared attacks

AGC declared attacks
Physically demanding as this is now at the centre of the vast table

AGS declared attacks and after the hiatus of the railroad conversion.
The breakthrough to the north of Lvov has bogged down,
but the southern pincer looks promising.
The road to Kiev is still not open. 

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