Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Barbarossa Turn 44

For the 16th and 17th of September 1941 the weather is fine in the north and central fronts, but mud in the south.

Even with good weather the Germans are only able to make three attacks.
The ones near Moscow succeed, inching forward. 
(Benefiting from the application of some super heavy artillery)
The other one fails.

AGS grinds down the defenders of Kiev a little bit.

But Kherson is captured.

The north is very quiet.

The centre has actually seen a bit of a pull back by the Germans,
directly south of Moscow.

The great space between AGC and AGS.
In the middle are a panzer and a panzer grenadier division,
stuck in the mud on their way to reinforce AGC.

The southern front.

Another view of the southern front,
showing the full picture: Kiew to Odessa.