Thursday, March 21, 2024

Achaians versus New Kingdom Egyptians

I picked the Achaian army of Trojan War fame to face Dave's New Kingdom Egyptians as they are roughly historical opponents, plus I get to use chariots.  My army was constructed from my Carthaginian figures.

The Egyptians won the scouting.
They also won all the subsequent initiative rolls, bar one.
That was the one after my general died, go figure.

The Achaian infantry shuffle over screened by their bow armed skirmishers.
The chariots peel off to support the slingers in the fight with the Egyptian chariots.
The Egyptian army has more and better chariots than the Achaian army.

The slingers are proving effective against the Egyptian chariots.

Make that very effective.

The infantry has clashed, but somewhat inconclusively.
Achaian spearmen were doing well, but the Egyptian foot maintained their cohesion.
Not so their chariots: one down, two to go.

The Achaian Pylian spearmen (on the right) have gone right through their opponents,
but the Line Spearmen (on the left) have suffered serious losses.

The Achaian Myrimidons (centre) are slowly grinding down the Egyptian commander's unit.
But the Achaian commander's chariot is in trouble.

Could this be the turning point?
The Achaian commander is routed...

The battle continues.
Can that Egyptian chariot return in time to save its comrades?
Can the Achaian Pylian infantry take the Egyptian foot in the rear?

The answers were no.
However, while the Achaian Line Spearmen perished,
so did the Egyptian commander.
The loss of another Egyptian chariot at the same time,
clinched victory for the Achaian army.

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