Saturday, September 3, 2022


These are what I kept and rebased for a Basic Impetus Parthian army from the mega load of Parthians I procured from Richard - a good example of cheque book wargaming.  The surplus went to a good home.

I've always wanted a Parthian army and back in my teens started to collect it, one figure at a time.  If I can find them they are worth a post in their own right.

On parade, just short one dedicated base of bow armed skirmishers

The big boys

Apart from rebasing I repainted the lances and also some faces,
which of course you can't see in the above image;
I wanted them wearing masks - gotta be Covid safe after all !

Four bases of factor 3 light cavalry

One base of factor 4.

These were from another purchase and were mixed in with some Cretan archers.
These ones however were in trousers which makes them ideal for Parthians!
Just need to find another three or so.


  1. Very nice rebasing and they show off the figures very well.

  2. Thanks. The diorama style basing is something I really like about Impetus, especially after years of regimented WRG basing (which was fine for close order troops) but not so attractive for light cavalry etc.

  3. Thanks. I must go and find my originals.
