Sunday, June 25, 2023

Barbarossa AGS - Vassal - Madness - Turns 10 to 12

For 10 and 11 July the weather reverts to being dry.  More importantly AGS will catch up to AGN/AGC although I have realised there is no easy way that I can transfer units between the two Vassal games.

There were no battles on the road to Kiev
and only this trivial combat on the road to Vinnitsa

However the Romanian front saw more action.

Including an attack on Kishinev which was even defended by the Soviet airforce.

It's a long way to anywhere

Turn 11

The weather for July 12 and 13 remains dry.

North west of Kiev.

South west of Kiev.

In the centre.

Northern Bessarabia.

South east Bessarabia.

No man's land a plenty.


Turn 12

For July 14 and 15 the weather remains dry.

Completion of removal of Soviet rearguard to the north west of Kiev.

The capture of Vinnitsa.

Final liquidation of the pocket north west Bessarabia.

Capture of Kishinev and completion of the liberation of Bessarabia.

This is the situation for Army Group South at the end of 15 July.  The Soviets have avoided losing the bulk of their armour and have started to get ready to pounce if the Axis push much further forward with out waiting for their supply to catch up.

The Axis are feeling confident as they have taken few losses and captured a lot of territory.  The further involvement of the Romanians is in doubt and the Axis need the weather to stay fine so they can repair the railroads at maximum speed (two hexes per day compared to one in mud).

But now it is time to return to Army Group North and Centre.

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