Sunday, May 17, 2020

World in Flames 35

The end of May/June 1942.

China's plans to liberate Mongolia are thwarted!
Japanese noose is drawing tight around Kunming.
Partisans are the only bright point.

Two Soviet counterattacks recaptured some resources,
but without outstanding success (no Guards Banner Armies).
The Axis captured another two Soviet cities
(at much better odds and higher die rolls too boot!)

The Caucasus are holding.

This forgotten pocket might be in for a shock.

Partisans in Estonia!

Apologies for the blurry photos, but they get taken at the end of the session at the end of a late night.


Whoops I forgot to add in builds (and also say that the Axis rolled end of turn at their first opportunity).

China: 1 BP plus 3 from cadre (destroyed units) for a total of 4 which they saved.

Soviets: 21 BPs including 5 from cadre.  They built a HQ, a militia, a pilot and 4 infantry.

The other important news is that the US won a significant naval action in the Solomon Seas, sinking a Japanese carrier and downing a few planes for minimal losses to themselves.


  1. It's still interesting, though the Soviets must be getting pressed for resources of every kind.

    1. Whoops, I should have added info on the builds.

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