Friday, September 29, 2023


These guys are full of character, but perhaps not the best poses for a strict wargames unit.  However basing them three to a base is fine and while they represent four, the reduced number is a reminder that they are not really battle cavalry.

I can't remember where I got these from, could have been Stan, Dave or I might have even purchased them in one of my buying sprees.  I have always wanted to paint them, it has just taken a few years to get around to it.


  1. They look the bunch of looting, raiding, tough to deal with cossacks. I like your visual cue they are not battle cavalry. I use three stands to a unit rather than four to show the status.

    1. They are indeed beautiful sculpts. Not sure when they will make it to the table top as my Russian force is rather scant, but maybe as part of the 1813 Army of the North with my Swedes and Prussians.

    2. They are rather useful in those armies!
