Thursday, November 3, 2022

Barbarossa - Army Group Center 1941 - Turn 2 Completed

Still learning, but the the game is also now becoming more standard as the special first turn rules fade.  However this also means that a lot of the Soviet forces have been eliminated so it is becoming more a game of supply and catch up.

Two extra maps have been added to show the massive scale of this game.
The game also has maps to the right (AGS) and left (AGN)

A pocket forming around Bialystok.
While some German forces are onto emergency supply,
they have opened up a road through Brest-Litovsk.
The citadel of which failed to hold out.

However to the north Kovno is holding and blocking the road/rail network 
that the Germans desperately need.
There is one Soviet unit accidentally straddling three hexes just to the left.
In our next session time will be spent trying to find out where it actually should be.

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