Sunday, March 27, 2022

Prussian and Austrian Casualty Markers

These have been a slow trickle of progress, especially considering the Austrians were already painted as part of an acquisition last year or possibly the previous year.  The Prussians were also in varying degrees of completion over the years, but all done now.  These markers are part of my quest to reduce counter clutter in Napoleon's Battles games.

The aim of these markers is that as soon as a unit takes a casualty, one of its bases is removed and replaced by one of the casualty markers bearing either a one or two chit or just the bare bae which represents three casualties.  This keeps with the miniatures theme as well as reducing the likelihood that casualty marks will be left behind (something that I find happens all too often). Note: should it be left behind it would mean that the unit was down a full base.  Ouch!

Any spare figure can be used, but there are some nice casualty figures in the AB range as well as others.

Photo taken with natural light (no flash)

This next little guy was a one off test to see how a French figure from Lancashire Games could paint up as a Westphalian.  While I was happy with the result I never proceeded to obtain the necessary additional figures.  This poor little guy has been languishing for over twenty years.  Finally he has a purpose.

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