Saturday, March 15, 2025

Austrian Light Dragoons - Rescued, Repaired and Identified

In these days when we are spoilt for quality miniatures (and I've seen some beaut 3D printed ones) some of the old school figures still hold charm, maybe not beaut but cute.

I was gifted/rescued 13 of these figures, six with broken swords and two horses without tails.  It was fun and rewarding to repair them.

Broken sword and potential replacement

The pin was easily sniped to size and superglued in place.
Looks fine with the pin head represented the guard.

Nothing is as sad a horse without a tail.

Looks a bit rough, but on the way to repair.

It was also fun to track down the manufacturer.

Took a bit of googling, but I am pretty sure these are Heritage Models from their Napoleonettes range 1977. Noble Knight advertised a pack of six French Cuirassiers with a very similar pose at an unreal price of $AU48.83.  Must be Mr Trump's tariffs in action.

All swords and tails accounted for.
Now ready to paint.


  1. Some nice repairs to rejuvenate these old miniatures.

    1. Thanks. The pin worked perfect, I think. Better still, they are now undercoated and ready for painting.

  2. Great work! There’s a lot of enjoyment to be had restoring old figures, looking forward to seeing how they paint up.

    1. Thanks. They are next in line on the painting queue.
