Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Weimar Take Four and half Take Five

No image from our fourth game.  Russell was the DNVP, Richard SPD, Peter KPD and I was Zentrum. It was over in three impulses!  That is less than half a round (of which the game can have a maximum of six). 10 minutes!

Richard has provided the following summary of that game:

Today we played a game in which the KPD won with a Council in Berlin and Munich and Essen.

WOW, It was all over in Turn (Round) 1 after 3 card plays!

The KPD card plays were as follows:

The Agenda Card chosen by the KPD was "Revolution Now" allowing an extra card to be drawn and played at the beginning of the Impulse phase.

A Party card was played at start of impulse phase that was used for Ops value to demonstrate in Essen, with the result being gaining extra party bases in Essen (giving the KPD a majority of party bases in Essen).

Impulse Phase - 1st Impulse

The "Brothers don't Shoot" card was played for the event as KPD had a majority of party bases in Essen allowing an uprising to be placed there and another uprising in any another city. Berlin was chosen.

Impulse Phase - 2nd Impulse

The "Arm the Workers" card was played as the event, giving three demonstrations and a +1 die roll modifier. This resulted in successful uprisings in Berlin and Essen and Hamburg, but Hamburg was re-rolled and failed after successful reaction from the Zentrum player, but to no avail.

Two uprisings were converted to Councils and game over!

Quite an incredible turn of events.

Take Five

With the same party allocations, we embarked on a new game.

As a party of Government in coalition the SPD I went for stability as my Agenda.  Unrest was removed in Berlin and debates were held in the Reichstag.  Again, there were lots of Communist demonstrations.  There was also lots of inflation.  Zentrum was reduced to just one party-base in Breslau (where at least there was prosperity).  However, the Government suffered five crisis rolls and even that sole party base was lost.

In Round Two, with Zentrum reduced to just three members in the Reichstag it still formed Government with the SPD, but now in minority.  Hyper inflation remained and the country was on the verge of collapse, at least the English blockade had been lifted.  Yet again, there were five crisis rolls and Zentrum was left with just one member in the Reichstag.

Round Three saw a counter coup in Berlin which removed the Communists.  The Government was also very successful in disarming both right and left wing mobs.  The Government was back in majority (only just) and additional crisis rolls averted.

Lots of DNVP and KPD party bases and members of the Reichstag,
but not so many armed gangs to stage coups or even demonstrations.
There is even a bit of prosperity on the rise.

The Zentrum Party board
The SDP (Richard) is in the lead with33 VPs, 
then the DNVP (Russell) with 24 VPs, 
then the ghost of Zentrum on 20 and 
KPD, (Peter) with 13.

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