Friday, January 10, 2025

Weimar Take 3

This game allows for multiple endings and yesterday's game, our third, was no exception.  Richard was the DNVP (black), Peter Zentrum (blue), Russell SPD (a light red colour that is perhaps one of the few if not only flaws with this game) and I was the KPD (in pink, but too close to the light red colour).

I took notes, but as always heavily biased to the side was playing.

First agenda was Revolution Now!  Ha ha.  We tried a demonstration in Berlin, no one showed.  A coup attempt in Essen was a fail.  We lost our council in Munich and our operatives in Essen.

Operatives were introduced back into Munich, but a party base was lost in Breslau.  However a demonstration in Essen was successful and lead to an uprising.  A right-wing coup attempt was stopped in Berlin.

We debated.

We lost a party base in Essen but with three remaining, scored 1 VP, our first.

An offer to form Government with the SPD was rejected by them.  Boo hiss!

For the second round we chose Loyalty to Moscow.

We armed the workers and conducted demonstrations in Breslau, Hamburg and Frankfurt.  There was an uprising in Hamburg.  Yeah!

Berlin was taken over by a right-wing regime.  Oh dear.

We failed with a coup in Breslau and demonstrations in Essen and Koln.

But we had seven seats in Parliament and this time formed a coalition with the SPD, and a communist became Chancellor.

Round three and the DNVP (black shirts, right-wing, intent on making Germany great again) staged a successful coup in Leipzig, which added to their control of Berlin and a regime in Hamburg gave them an instant victory.

The Communist controlled Reichstag was very short-lived.

KPD party members after the right-wing coup.

The state of play after the sudden death.

Not that it matters, but the VP totals were:

  • SPD 13
  • Zentrum 12
  • DNVP 10
  • KPD 4

At least there were no nasty brown shirts this time.

And here is a press release from the DNVP (courtesy of Richard):

Die Welt

9th January 2025

Aufwiesdersehen Kamerad Reichskanzler!

German Patriots rejoice the fall of the November Criminals!

Photo Sourced from the Bundesarchiv

Weimar: The Fight for Democracy, News from our correspondent at the table’s edge

Taking advantage of being victorious in the Reichstag on the Reparations Issue, on Thursday 9th January and before anyone could react, Freikorps Brigade Oberland lead a lightning DNVP Coup in Leipzig to topple the Weimar Republic and end the still born chancellorship of Comrade Haughey of the KPD. Comrade Haughey (henceforth known as the 2 minute chancellor) had barely warmed the seat in the chancellor’s office having been handed the reins of the Reich by former chancellor Poskitt of the SPD when he was arrested at KPD Party Headquarters during a rendition of the Internationale.

A lack of policy direction and infighting in the former SPD/Zentrum Weimar Coalition as well as their failure to co-ordinate the Police and Reichswehr to subdue paramilitary elements ultimately lead to the demise of the Republic which had lurched from crisis to crisis nearly resulting in a descent into anarchy.

DNVP Führer Richard announced that “Order had been restored” and that the November Criminals will be brought to justice along with plans to annex Greenland.

Elements of Freikorps Oberland guarding key locations:


  1. I hadn't noticed how gutted the SPD was until I looked at the board during pack up. 3 seats in the Reichstag! All those crisis markers in cities cost the government parties big time. Still as all good politicians do, they passed the poison chalice to the next person who becomes the scapegoat!

    A simply amazing game with lots of twists and turns. So much replay value. I hope we can get to turns 5 and 6 to explore the dilemmas posed by the NSDAP.

    1. You certainly have to be careful how you play the cards as in some ways they are the only way to build strength, so it is a careful balancing act. Certainly lots of interesting possibilities as the game progresses.
