Sunday, October 27, 2024

Marengo a la Shako

It has been a while since we gamed with some of the chaps in the Avon valley, but last Sunday Stephen N, Mark B and I joined Julian and Mark W for a recreation of the Battle of Marengo using their adaption of Shako.

Bataille de Marengo
Louis Francois Lejeune (1775-1848)

Battle of Marengo 
Mark W 2024

Mark W had organised everything and hosted it as his place.  He also umpired which was very much appreciated (my knowledge of the rules was limited and rusty at best).

Stephen N and Mark B were the Austrians while Julian and I were the French.  We knew where we started, but not really when and where our respective reinforcements would arrive.

Chambarlhac's division moves up through the town of Marengo

A magnificent charge by Rivaud's cavalry put their opponents to flight
securing the French left flank for the duration of the battle.

The Austrian right flank trying to recover after the loss of their cavalry.

The Austrians trying to make progress in the centre, using their artillery but suffering all the same.
Kellerman's cavalry can be seen redeploying to cover the French right.

Rivaud's cavalry.
Note the shadows showing that it is still morning time in the game. :-)

After routing the Austrians,
the French now face a lot, a real lot, of Austrian reinforcements.
Rivaud's cavalry, Chambarlac's division and the remanent of Gardanne's division
will have to hold on a bit longer.

Austrian grenadiers are crossing the Fontanone creek
as more of their cavalry arrive.

Meanwhile on the other side of the battlefield
both sides had brought up troops but declined to close.

Stay tuned for Part 2.

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