Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Barbarossa Turn 45 and 46

In our last session we were able to fit in two turns covering 18 to 21 September 1941.  There was bad weather that started in the centre and moved to the south.

While the good weather lasted AGS continued with its assaults on Kiev and Odessa as well as launching a massive attack towards Poltava on the way the Kharkov.

The attack on Kiev did little, but it must have shaken the Soviet defenders.

The attack around Odessa was successful, but there is still lots to do.

This was the big attack!
Ten of them.

The north at the end of each day.

The centre at the end of the 19th when the rain stopped.

Poltava and the Soviets have pulled back after the German attack.
There are two different shades of Strongpoint counters, 
but they are the same, just different editions.

Note there are two armoured divisions being sent north,
but they are out of fuel.

The advance on the Crimea has come to a halt.
The engineers need to be in supply before then can repair the bridges.
That is about a week or two away on current progress.

With clear weather AGC strikes north against advancing Soviets.

AGS stuck in the mud before Poltava.

Another attack on Kiev achieves nothing, but wait, is that a white flag?

Another attack.  This one cleared the hex.

At the end of 21 September, AGC has broken through to the north.
This could lead to the encirclement of Rzhev.
There are not enough Soviets to plug holes and exploit opportunities.
Their only hope is that the same applies to the invaders.

AGS East with Kharkov in its sights.

AGS West.
Kiev has surrendered,
but Odessa remains.

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