Saturday, October 7, 2023

La Belle Époque

The game's byline says it all: Diplomacy and imperialism at the sunset of the old world.

Richard hosted the game and went the Central Powers.  Jeff was France, Simon Russia and I was Great Britain.

While our first game took longer than expected, it played smoothly, particularly when one remembered to use the correct terminology.  Pass means to end your Turn, not that you have completed your action. :-)

The situation at the start of Turn 8 when we had sudden death 
due to the draw of the assassination of the Archduke event.

The final scores were surprisingly close.  If I remember correctly it was Central Powers, France, Russia and Great Britain in that order, all around 130 (in the image the VP track doesn't include final scoring).

The only criticism I would have is that flag token were hard to differentiate from across the table, especially if they weren't orientated.  A minor quibble. 


  1. The mastery of the Central Empires is obscured in the final shot by the backstabbing French. Should have crushed them earlier when they were on their knees. They raced up from no-where in the last turn.

    Awesome game. Europe in Turmoil meets Pax Britannica

    1. I discussed the game with a friend today who described Pax Britannica and it sounded similar.
