Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Stolberg Corridor - Day Five Completed

We pick up at midday on September the 17th 1944.

Here is the map for ease of reference:

The German 12th Infantry Division commence an attack to take Gressenriche.

A bloody attack is made on Eschweiler by the 12th,
while 9th Panzer tries to cut the town off.

The 12th Infantry make a massive attack on the US 47th RCT.

Gressenriche has been captured and the US 47th RCT is falling back.

9th Panzer keeps trying to breakthrough.

Mopping up around Gressenriche.

A final assault on Eschweiler as night falls.
Half the town is now back in German hands.

Both sides regroup, rebuilding units using saved Ops dice as Support Points,
and combining shattered units (these are just off board).

The front line.

With four days of fighting left, do the Germans have enough strength to recapture Stolberg?

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