Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Sunday, July 28, 2024
Barbarossa Revisited - GT 6
The Turn starts with the weather roll: dry in both north and centre.
The Axis plod on, assaulting Riga (no result), capturing Liepaja on the coast, surrounding Vilnius and taking a third of the city, and smashing through the southwest defensive line on the way to Minsk.
Again, there are not even any hints of where the Soviets could make counterattacks.
Friday, July 26, 2024
Burgundian Ordonnance versus 100 Years War English
Not far from an historical match, although a lot of the English are dressed up as Romans for some reason. Just a practice game to give Phil some experience before his club competition games.
My Burgundians haven't seen a lot of action. They were the second army I started to collect, after the Hoplite Greeks. Both for WRG 7th Edition, the Burgundian Ordonnance being the last army in book three. Those were the days.
But I digress, on with the game.
Thursday, July 25, 2024
Imperial Struggle IV - Part Two
Game over.
Another victory for France, but sadly defeat for the game which I am informed has been sent for recycling.
The mechanics are good, providing a very complex game. Ability to learn about the period of history didn't really occur which is a pity. It is also probably biased towards the French.
While there are only a few event cards, being able to combine these with Ministry cards (of which there are just two) and having a situation on the board that applies, can produce an equivalent of an additional round. Given there are only four rounds per turn this is significant if you are able to play all three event cards (you can only do one per round). As the French player I was able to do this, particularly in the last turn (of which there are only six) when England was unable to play any.
Sunday, July 21, 2024
Pyrrhic Campaign - Turn Two
For the previous turn and background see here:
Since our first game I had done some work on translating talents to armies, the Reinforcement Table and the General Traits Table (I will put them in at the end of the post). But on with the campaign!
First the Romans told their Carthaginian friends to seize Syracuse. They promptly tried and tried and tried and failed and failed and failed.
Meanwhile Pyrrhus was subduing a lot of the Italians south of Capua. The Roman Second Consul, Deuxus, who should have been doing the same, took it into his head to put an end to this by marching and marching (on an empty stomach I may add) to confront the invaders at Maleventum, in a pincher move via Corfinium and Bovianum. That part of the plan worked out well. He failed to appreciate that the Greek army might be a tad bigger (as he had the slightly smaller Roman army, but only by one skirmisher unit), but he was confident friends would join him. They didn't. He was also confident that Pyrrhus, the harsh administrator, would have no friends at all. Quiet the reverse, they flocked to join him (giving the Greeks an extra four units).
Well, this would test the rules in seeing how disparate sized forces faired. As the Romans were the attackers, they were made the invaders although in thinking about it now, probably should have still rolled for scouting. It also strikes me that some more innovative Ace in the Hole cards could be created for a campaign game, but I digress.
Reinforcement Table
General Trait Table
Friday, July 19, 2024
Dacians versus Early Imperial Romans
An historical game pitting my Dacians against John's Romans.
Thursday, July 18, 2024
Brunswick Light Cavalry
Some rescued figures now painted which fill a hole in my 15mm collection.
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Imperial Struggle IV - Part One
Now that we have got the hang of this game and some of the strategies, it is taking a bit longer to play.
A comment from Richard:
Certainly, a lot more of a tussle this time, but I think with your big lead in Europe and being ahead in the Caribbean with control of the Pirate spaces allowing you to place conflict markers should mean that you can try and concentrate on getting India back up and running. I'm amazed you managed to salvage your position there, although it was a costly 6 VPs and a 4 Fort.
Monday, July 15, 2024
Imperial Struggle III
In our third game Richard's Great Britan was again foiled by France.
We had corrected our previous faux pas, but the challenge with this game is managing the economic, military and diplomatic resources, keeping track of global demand for goods, trying to dominate regions and win the many wars. All these things produce varying benefits and VPs.
Saturday, July 13, 2024
Barbarossa Revisited - GT 5
This turn marks the end of June 1941. It also brings to an end most of the special invasion rules.
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Nimitiz - Second Game
I was in command of two IJN cruisers. One was sunk, but the other got a devastating torpedo hit on a USN cruiser.
Nimitiz's mechanics are different, but simple and once you get the hang of them the game plays quickly.
There is lots of potential.
Barbarossa Revisited - GT 4
Again, no attack possibilities for the Soviet, more due to their units being eliminated! Thay have nothing to attack with!
Monday, July 8, 2024
The Leak - Not About Wargames