Friday, June 28, 2024

Huns versus Mongols

This was going to be a tough club competition game against an expert opponent with an army much like my Hunnic army, but with some powerful units (6 VBU), but also one unit of fairly useless foot, guaranteed to be a nuisance.

Terrain placed by the Mongols.
Impassable hill on my left 
gentle hill on the right.
The Huns won the scouting.

The Huns advance and the Mongols shuffle.

Then it is down to business.
The Huns score a lucky shot on the elite Mongol light cavalry top right-hand corner.

Shooting and evading commences.
The Hun nobles realise they are needed and start to move up
(that's them far right of the image).

Those 6 VBU Mongol medium cavalry units are scary!

Things are spreading out.
The Hun nobles charged but failed to make contact with that blocking nuisance Mongol foot unit.
Oh dear!

The Huns lose their first unit.
The Mongols have formed a solid line in the centre
and melees continue on the flanks.

A win for the Huns on the left, but a bit of a Pyrrhic win.
The enemy unit was down to one dice, but got a hit and the attacker rolled badly on the Cohesion Test.
It happens! 

Both the Mongol and Hun general units are taking casualties.

A long fight on the right has finally been won by the Huns.

Both sides suffer more losses.

The Mongol commander is trapped (the big unit in the centre).
The Hun commander is trying to charge his way out of danger.

The Huns are down another unit...
It is looking grim...

The Huns carry all before them in a final set of charges.
It was a tough game.