Friday, July 26, 2024

Burgundian Ordonnance versus 100 Years War English

Not far from an historical match, although a lot of the English are dressed up as Romans for some reason.  Just a practice game to give Phil some experience before his club competition games.

My Burgundians haven't seen a lot of action.  They were the second army I started to collect, after the Hoplite Greeks.  Both for WRG 7th Edition, the Burgundian Ordonnance being the last army in book three.  Those were the days.

But I digress, on with the game.

In an epic of low rolls, the English were out scouted (a double one will do that).
The English deployed between two woods.

Both sides advanced and the Burgundians got in some lucky long-range shots.
Their hand gunners sent out to flank the English left.

The Burgundians weren't able to follow up their shooting 
and the English recover their order.

The English knights charge, but the Burgundian crossbowmen hold, just.

The knights have been repulsed into the waiting Burgundian hand gunners 
who have moved up through the wood.
Burgundian missile fire has also taken out an English longbow unit.

Another English longbow unit is routed.
The knights are battling it out on the flank.

Finally, the Burgundian pikemen begin to advance.

Advance to victory!

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