Monday, July 1, 2024

ACW Rail Fences by Leadbear's Tufts

I have a plan to make fences, or rather more fences, for my ACW collection, particularly those distinctive to the period.  However, it is a project that is yet to get underway apart from collecting materials.  It might have happened had my partner not taken long service leave and decided to redecorate my studio.  It needed doing so can't argue, not that I would dream of arguing with her, but it did mean that the chances of progressing that project were close to the chance of Rish! getting reelected, Trump telling the truth and Australia having seven operational nuclear power plants by 2035.

Leadbear to the rescue. I think I might have mentioned previously that some of the floral tufts I have used, particularly with my Byzantines, are from Leadbear's Tufts.  In a bit of serendipity, I saw a post from Leadbear on Facebook offering some ACW rail fences for sale.  As it was my birthday, I thought they would make a wonderful present for ma belle-mère (excuse my French) to give me.  And so, it came to pass...

Rail fences pictured with some of my figures - perfect for 15mm.

The complete package.
Very happy!

Here is a link to Leadbear's FB page:


  1. The fences and their basing look very good.

  2. Looking good. Distinctive, but hard to do.

    1. I'd only got as far as collecting splinters of wood to make the rails.
