Sunday, June 2, 2024

Into the Heart of Darkness via Vassal

Having gotten a taste for this game and then finding it on Vassal, I thought I would give it a go.

Sadly, you don't get to name your explorer, so I will just go with Terence Harold Egbert Blue, soon to be known the world over as THE Blue, Bluey to his friends, thanks to the forthcoming syndication of his exploration curtesy of his patron, Mr Merdeduck.

The expedition will start from Fernando Poo.  Mr Merdeduck has moored his luxury yacht just offshore to be safe, comfortable and on firsthand to share in any discoveries, his stockbroker at the ready on speed ticker tape.

This location provides two options, go up the Benue River into the savanna rich territory of the Bamileke, a tribe that has been plagued by slavers and therefore might not be that friendly, or set off into the veldt and possible encounters with the Fang, who sound rather fierce, but might be friendly (or suffer a bad review).

But first Bluey gets some funding from Mr Merdeduck to equip his expedition with essential resources, fully itemised of course for tax purposes. He employs a guide and buys an altimeter, telescope, surveying equipment, a telescope and a machete.  To make sure he documents his adventures he is given a diary and a painting set.  He is also given a pickaxe in case he comes across any interesting minerals.  More food is obtained along with gifts for any natives that might be met along the way.  Finally, he has his illustrated, signed, first edition bible and his trusty fishing rod along with a selection of flies.  Last but not least he obtains some medical supplies for the body and mind plus a canteen which he has filled with cherry brandy in case he gets an upset tummy.  It is a pity he has to leave his teddy behind, but sacrifices must be made. Reluctantly he also takes a rifle.

The expedition eats a hearty breakfast (16 food is deducted which leaves 24 and Bluey thinking maybe he is going to lose some weight). Worrying about food consumption causes Bluey to skip his meal reducing his health and the resultant light-headedness combined with worry causes him to question his sanity (all that is a descriptive way to complete steps 3E, 3F and 3G).

At last they are on their way. THE Blue expedition ventures into the territory of the Fang which is presumed to be veldt.  It is!  In a bit of a mind-numbing exercise, it is determined that the territory is not classified as a water zone.  "Never said it was!" Bluey writes in his diary.  He later crosses that out and writes in decent copperplate "Territory of the Fang confirmed by me, not to be a water zone."

Bluey is excited as the region has lots of things to discover such as lost cities, kingdoms and maybe even a big lake.  Just as he takes his first exploratory steps a storm breaks out. Seven food supplies are spoiled (soggy crackers). Bluey then becomes very thirsty, but his trusty canteen sees him right.

But what does he find for his troubles?  Hmmm, somethings that locals might consider valuable: tusks, horn, skin etc.  You never know.  Six gifts are added.  Bluey hopes he can swap them for food (is there a rule for that?).

Setting off again Bluey thinks he finds some interesting leaves that he makes into a tea, but it only gives him a dreadful thirst.  Luckily, he has his canteen on hand to take away the horrid taste. 

THE Blue finds a lost city, you know, presumably just wandering around, not knowing where it is as cities seem to occasionally do. Not only lost but abandoned, so Mr Merdeduck won't be impressed - no one to buy his papers.  Bluey uses his machete to carve his initials on one of the walls "THE Blue was here" and gains a feeling of accomplishment (one DP - Drama Point).

Bluey uses his guide to help him through the lost city thereby regaining lost time. BUT he trips, falls, stumbles... (code for drawing two accident event chits).  Oh dear!  However, lucky for him, the veldt cushions his fall and there's no damage except to his ego which he ignores as no one saw him tumble (he thinks).

Members of the Fang kingdom observe his shambolic approach and suppress their laughter as they see he is loaded with gifts.  THE Blue offers gifts for food, wisely going for 7 to maximise success as well as buy the Fang's silence about his embarrassing fall.  The Fang look to be impressed by the bible Bluey has, especially when he tells them it was signed by JC himself and he notes in his diary that they may be a source for future sales of such biblical paraphernalia and gains a DP.

Upon leaving the kingdom THE Blue has another fall but laughs it off. When he looks around him, he sees some fabulous scenery and whips off a quick painting which is bound to sell well.  He gets a warm inner glow of achievement (3 DP).  Good luck abounds and Bluey finds lots of lovely ivory and skins that will make lovely gifts (roll of 9).

The way forward looks blocked, but wielding his pickaxe Bluey creates a way (as he has a will). There might have been a rumour, but it is just the wind rustling the leaves on some innocuous plants. Ho hum.

Waking up late in the morning THE Blue finds himself breaking a taboo for not getting up before sunrise.  Oh dear.  But no, no need to fret, the extra sleep sees him refreshed and ready to face the day (he passed his sanity test).  Or does it?  Looks like he has contracted malaria.  He staggers into a native village looking for sympathy. He offers two gifts and hopes the villagers will like him.  They don't.  His pallid and sweaty conditions puts them off and they choose to ignore him.  His Askaris quickly bundle him out before he causes a scene.

Upon exiting he finds his way blocked, but brandishing his pickaxe, a way opens up. The area, even allowing for the proximity of villagers, is relatively rich in wildlife and 2 gifts and 8 food are obtained by a bit of judicious hunting.

The adventure in the land of the Fang is complete.

The next stage of the expedition will see THE Blue head into the territory of the Mpongwe, an area that has had bad experiences with intruders in the past.  But first Bluey takes some quinine to help restore his health. However, the expedition insists on being fed so rations are distributed, this leaves only 28 food having consumed 16, but Bluey expects there will some chances to obtain more food along the way.  He is feeling better and confident (having avoided a disease roll and having passed a sanity check).

The area ahead looks like veldt and maybe it is, but maybe it's not.  Bluey decides it is not, but on closer examination it is.  Luckily nobody noticed this indecision.  

Splosh! Bluey finds a river.  He thinks it might be the Congo and writes a message asking if this is the case and if so, can advice be passed to Mr Merdeduck telling him of this wonderful discovery by THE Blue.  He puts the message in the used quinine bottle and chucks it in the river.  But what is upstream?  A lovely marsh.  It deserves a painting which THE Blue promptly undertakes, feeling exceptionally proud of himself (and earning three DPs).

THE Blue takes out his trusty if now somewhat rusty telescope and peers into the distance.  He can hear and smell the elephants before he can see them (he probably had the telescope the wrong way round).  Which way to go?
The lake looks inviting.

He heads right, right to a lake.  Wow, a discovery!  Deftly using his surveying equipment, once he had untangled the unholy mess it had managed to get itself in, he takes careful measurements and grandly calls it Blue Lake.  Momentarily the thought crossed his mind that he could have named it in honour of his patron, but Lake Merdeduck just doesn't have an imaginative ring to it.

Moving on from Blue Lake, our intrepid explorer finds his way blocked, without bothering to check, he wields his pickaxe and smashes through. The pile of precious ivory lays crumbled before him.  Oh dear.  Still, he manages to collect enough to make four gifts for people with poor eyesight.

Now to bag me an elephant, he thinks. Again, the way seems blocked, but his mighty pickaxe, which he is getting quite good at using, clears a way.  He levels his gun and fires! One bullet one dead elephant.  What a man!  THE Blue approaches the carcass and removes the heart which will make five healthy meals.  He also cuts off the tail which will make a nice gift. 

Where to next? In the distance our explorer can see a strange figure.  Who can it be? Hoping to discover a hitherto unknown culture THE Blue stumbles on and finds a mystical healer.
Wow, thinks our man, but feels no better for the encounter.

There is another odd fellow in the distance, so THE Blue trips on after him. Nnnnn. Ouch! A mosquito has beaten Blue who has now turned yellow and stumbles badly.  Nine gifts fall in some animal droppings and four roll into the river.  THE Blue is heard to use an expletive.  The odd fellow hearing his name, turns around, and seeing Blue's colour, rubs some foul-smelling ointment on him, restoring his cheeks to rosy pinkness, if making his eyes water.  THE Blue's health improves!  Amazing!

Stumbling on, Blue has another fall, but picks himself up, unhurt on the veldt.  He suddenly thought he remembered a rumour, but nothing comes to mind (which is sadly often the case for THE Blue).  

Wait!  What's this?  A warrior nation!  A rifle shot makes his presence known and that he is not to be trifled with, although it costs ammo.  Blue quickly signs them up to recurring subscription to numerous Merdeduck publications and beats a hasty exit.

In his haste he falls over again, stubbing his foot on a rock.  Wait a minute, that's not a rock, that's a gold nugget!  It is surround by some elephant tusks that will make a nice parcel of five gifts.  The actual gold seam is slightly further on and THE Blue rushes to check it out, using his trusty pickaxe to collect some samples and feeling that his exploration is really starting to pay off (1 DP).  And what's that glinting in the distance?

In his rush to get to the silver ore body he of course falls over again, thanking his lucky stars that he is in the veldt.  In the distance he can see copper ore as well, and the knowledge that there must be a rich mineralogical culture in the area.  But the sun is beginning to set so it is time to camp.

Blue's trek through Mpongwe.

THE Blue considers turning back, maybe he is not really an adventurer, he's just playing some kind of game. Best to head south, follow the river, and then stop in Angola and get a boat back to Blighty.  But first he has to feed his Askaris and bearers.  Thankfully they seem a happy lot and there is no discontent, unfortunately he can't say the same thing about his tummy which rumbles badly.  Too much elephant heart perhaps?

Ahead there is open savanna and as the sun rises it can be seen to be truly savanna as far as the eye can see. The river seems very forked, but THE Blue knows he will not be if he just follows it downstream.  A quick spot of fishing nabs some extra food (rations were getting low).  He can't be bothered looking for the source of the forks.  That must be the cutlery drawer or something, he chuckles.

THE Blue finds forks in the river.

Listening to the early morning sounds, THE Blue picks up on a rumour of a lost city, How good is that! It is thirsty work, but the abundant water features keep the canteens full.  On, on, on!

Trudging along he again hears whisper of a lost city, before telling his team to keep quiet and stop whispering stuff.  But the rumour persists.  Could it be the wind, something he ate for breakfast or the sound of the distant drums that he can't hear but can well imagine?  

It can smell you before it can see you, but THE Blue is ready. Unfortunately, one of his Askari jumps in front of the bullet, saving the Rhino which runs off.  The dead Askari's packed lunch is retrieved and added to their rations.  Who would have thought the Askari was a member of the WWF?  Blue is a little alarmed.

So alarmed that he chases after the Rhino, slipping in the famed Bulla Bulla.  In cleaning himself off in a nearby stream he uses up some gayly colored blankets that he a brought along as gifts.  Oh well, at least they had a use.

Hacking his way through the Savanna, being careful where he places his feet, THE Blue finds the lost city, except he sees that it is just a lost city, and not really that lost really given the recent graffiti indicating that "Leroy woz ere".  After scratching "Blue too" which looks a lot like "Boo hoo" our man trundles off at least knowing he has earning one Drama Point for his efforts.

Thanking his lucky stars, THE Blue finds a dead Rhino or two and is able to collect some horn and hide to present as gifts. It was thirsty and somewhat smelly work, but the abundant water features and his canteen keep him refreshed.

The way forward seems blocked, but again using his pickaxe he breaks on through to the other side (thinking that would make a good lyric for a song).  Better still, he finds... Lead! Mr Merdeduck will be pleased.

THE Blue thought he was heading for a jungle village, but forgot he was in a savanna.  Whoops.

With time and his patience running out, he again finds his way blocked.  Once more the pickaxe comes in handy and a way through is created.  Seeing something sparkling in the distance, he almost misses the iron deposits laying all around. 

He must go on. There must be gold...


He stubs his toe on a big diamond.  He's rich!

His team consume the last of their food and say goodbye Bulla Bulla.  THE Blue walks proudly into Angola, his backpack stuffed with second-rate paintings, dodgy gifts that won't get past customs, maps annotated with wriggly blue lines and Xs that mark the spot, and sundry tools of exploration that will look good in the Merdeduck museum.  He books a passage back to dear old England, although he was born in Wales to an Irish mother and Scottish father. Armed only with a single, but substantial diamond, he starts his most perilous journey yet - he's off to find a bride.

Last Word

Writing this was more fun than playing the game, which is a pity.  The Vassal implementation is first rate, but really this would play better as a computerised version, such as you find with the excellent Castles of Burgundy implementation on Boardgame Arena.


  1. The game is more of a story generator as you found. The game plays you in that sense. A great game for a rainy day when you're home alone. A great escape as you can let your mind wander to a distant plain and imagine the adventure of trekking through the unknown. I found it very enjoyable and took me back to my childhood watching the Saturday Matinee Black and White B movies on the same subject.

    1. I should have added that prior or during I read King Solomon's Mines and watched the 1950 movie based on the book (but with an added woman).
      Recently I had also played Men Who Would Be Kings:
