Sunday, June 23, 2024

Barbarossa - Tweaking the Combined AGN and AGC Campaign

First challenge is to remember the campaign scenario is number 8 (Section 10.8) and number 5 (Section 14.0) in the AGC and AGN Playbooks respectively.

AXIS Railroad Capacity is 6 stacking points AGN and 12 stacking points AGC.  For some reason the playbook gives this as per map for AGN and all maps for AGC. (The "all maps" differentiation makes no sense to me).

Soviet rail capacity as per the Playbooks is 19 stacking points for the centre for all maps and for the north: 0 Map C, 6 Map A and B, 14 Maps I and W.  I will make this for the north 6 in the Baltic and East Poland and for the north 14 and the centre 19 in the other Soviet areas.

I am not going to use the insert maps.

I do want to use Air Transport Section 14.7

I have been reviewing Scenario Notes for Barbarossa: Army Group Center, North and Typhoon – 1941 (version 1.22) that supports the Vassal module and there are few things I will take form it.

Regiment Substitute Counters

This always seemed a counter mix issue, rather than an historical limit. The Vassal module provides AGN with 12 Strong (2-2-5) and 12 Weak (1-2-5) and AGC with 18 Strong, 18 Weak

Railroad Conversion

This is a big issue.

I'm going to use Railroad Repair Units.  Each will have 4 Railroad Conversion Points (RCP). A unit has 60 MP for rail movement and is flipped to its repair side at the end of the engineering phase (i.e. no converting if it was moving that turn).

In the Baltic states and East Poland 1 RCP converts 1 and a half hexes (so would be 6 hexes per unit). Swamp and marsh are doubled (so 3 hexes).  Mud doubles again (so 3 hexes or just 1 hex swamp and marsh).

However, for the USSR proper it takes 2 RCP to convert one hex (this is from an option in the Scenario Notes), with 4 RCP for a swamp or marsh hex or any hex in mud.

Each Army Group has 2 RCP each can allocate to anyone one RRU it has.

The remaining consideration is how many RRUs?  I'm going to go for one per bridging unit.  This gives AGN one and AGC three, based on bridging units available at start.


Another difference, but easy to harmonise.

One infantry step per city and or VP location 

For each city or major city not in the Baltic states (but including Vilnius) five steps GTs 1 to 20, then 2 steps GTs 21-28, one step after that.

From GT 36 no garrisons are required in Lithuania and Latvia.

Special GT 1 Sequence of Play

Use AGC noting that it is more generous to the Axis than the AGN Invasion Preparedness Restrictions.

Mandated Attacks

My intention is to play an aggressive, forward game with the Soviets.  I expect this to produce a quick game. 


Having given this some thought I've decided to leave it as it is.

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