Friday, October 16, 2020

Celtiberian versus Henry Tudor's Lancastrians

So I thought I would run something different and so did Dave.  My lads were hot, throwing lots of sixes (sadly for a few cohesion tests as well, but even then they were mainly throwing ones so no complaint).

That's broken ground in the middle of the battle ground.
It has the English invaders perplexed.

The Celts waste no time in advancing.

By the end of Turn Two the Celt warbands are within charge range.
The skirmisher screen has been doing excellent work.

The clash came but saw the unlucky cohesion test fail for the main unit, 
which meant the bulk of the Celts fell back in disorder.

But the Celts ripost and the Lancastrian right and centre are obliterated,

It is going to take a while to get the Celt right flank to turn around and get back into the fight.
It is up to the light cavalry and slingers to hold the English knights.

Celt left flank light troops do an amazing job and poor Henry is in real trouble.

It doesn't get much better than that.
Celtiberian's 7 Lancastrian's 4

It pays to be lucky.