Friday, April 7, 2023

A Scout's Tale

Once upon a time in the west,

A scout had been peacefully at rest.

But after hearing a shout,

He went a venturing out.

As time went by

Another scout thought he better try

As no word had been heard

Of his restless comrade.

He sought and he sneaked 

And into the bushes he peeked.

Oh no!

If memory serves me well, at least one or two of these figures were a gift from the guys at York.  They had been sitting around half painted for a few years and suddenly their time had come.  Still lots more before a Pony Wars can be staged.


  1. Nice handling of an introduction for the figures. Good luck with Pony Wars.

    1. Thanks. I was trying for something different and the story just told itself. No need for AI (although I was tempted).

  2. Once upon a time in the west,
    A scout had been peacefully at rest.
    But after hearing a shout,
    He went a venturing out...
    Where a foe with a bow gave him best.

    As the minutes and hours slipped by
    Another scout thought he would try
    As no word had been heard
    Of his restless comrade
    But soon he figgered out why...
    You know that out in the West
    Or at least you might well have guessed
    As he sought and he sneaked
    And into the bushes he peaked
    he found his mate...
    With an arrow had been laid to rest.

