Sunday, November 19, 2023

Swedish Regt Elfsborg

The last "batch" of Swedish line is complete.  While there are 12 figures and I've painted them up as a regiment, they will combine with other figures to make a larger unit, 28 figures and form a brigade as part of the Swedish Corps of the Army of the North in 1813.  The reason for 12 figures was the way the Old Glory packet furnish command stands.  Perhaps not pure Napoleon's Battles, but in my games the command stand is not important as it is the stand with the label that defines the unit and I have ideas about that as well.

Old Glory packs often had extra figures and I decided that no man would be left unpainted/put to use.

A casualty figure.

This figure was broken off at the base and has now been super glued to a new base
to make another casualty marker.

Now I have only the guard and cuirassiers to complete.