Sunday, August 27, 2023

Huns versus Justinian Byzantines - Big Battle Style

For the NWS August Games Day I put on a game using my new Huns, Dave's old Huns and a mix of my figures to make up the Byzantines.  Stephen and I went the Huns, while Mark B and Olivier went Byzantine.  It was a similar battle to the previous Hun vs Byzantine game with a similar result.

Deployment as seen from the Hun side.
One of the club's gaming mats is in use.

And deployment as seen from the Byzantine side.
The Byzantine right wind perfectly matches the Hun left wing.
Olivier's command was the Byzantine foot in the centre.
Stephen had the Hun right flank.

Instant action as the Huns on the left get in a number of disordering shots on their opponents.

The Byzantine cavalry on their right engage the Huns with mixed results,
while the Byzantine left saw the Huns wipe out half their units.

The Byzantine right is retiring shaken, trying to delay the enemy while preserving their force.
On the Byzantine left the Huns are moving around the flank, but not without losing some units.
The Byzantine centre is advancing while the Hun centre is shuffling .

The Byzantine centre has now realised the danger to its flanks and has undertaken some about face.
The Hun light cavalry has been steadily getting into position.

The Hun light cavalry inflict enough damage to break the Byzantine morale and rout them.

The army lists used were:

We didn't use Ace in the Hole cards (so no betrayal).

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