Thursday, March 17, 2022

Don't Mention The War - Part 1

Aka WiF Ausgame 2022 (at least that is what I am expecting Mike to call it) which will be reported in the Facebook World In Flames group and faithfully copied to this blog in future posts.


After two recent stints this decade playing the USSR, for this game I will be playing Germany.

September/October 1939 opens with sunny skies as German peace keepers are deployed to Poland.  Four roadblocks are removed on the way to Lodz and Warsaw. (For the record these were +19 rolled 6, +20 rolled 14, +16 rolled 15 and +19 rolled 12 - Top of the Table is 23)

So much for "peace in our times", the perfidious British and their French lackies declare war much to the annoyance of the Americans.   The French, egged on by the British try and bomb Saarbrucken and the Black Forest, destroying schools, hospitals and residential areas.  The British further annoy the Americans by closing the Suez, not appreciating the robust trade that exists between Italy and the US, particularly in fine coffee beans sourced from Italy's African colonies.

The weather remains sunny as the Germans liberate Lodz with the personal intervention of Field Marshal von Beck at a critical juncture.  (The attack was original +14.5 but adding in the HQ made it +16 and the roll was 7).  Germany calls out its reserves which are marshalled in the fields by Field Marshal von Rundsedt.

The British spread the war to the seven seas and assorted oceans and get ready to invade the Low Countries, all that stands between them and the Fatherland.

The fine weather continues and German peace keepers move into Warsaw to protect the city.  (A +14.6 assault and rolled a 6 resulting in the first loss, the engineer division). Lured by British gold, numerous Poles flee east...

The Luftwaffe conducts precision bombing against French armaments factories in Metz.  The Netherlands welcomes the presence of German peace keepers in Amsterdam (+21 and rolled an 18).  US concern is dwarfed by anger at the Soviet occupation of eastern Poland. 

Russia calls Soviet invasion of Poland in 1939 a ‘march of liberation’

The British show their displeasure at the Dutch acceptance of German assistance by sending fairies into battle, escorted by some gladiators from Gloster, attempting to bomb Amsterdam's schools, hospitals and residential districts.   They are met by the much more militaristically named BF109s and shooed away, the gladiators falling into the sea in their haste.

A Fairey Battle

The late Autumn rains set in as German troops board the trains of the highly efficient rail Reichsbahn and tootle off to the what's the name of that wooded area?

Meanwhile more Chinese cities are encouraged to join the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.

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