The final of the Club's Basic Impetus League was to be a rematch between my Huns and Phil's pseudo-English (I say pseudo as his army is actually other figures masquerading as English - fancy dress perhaps).
The previous game can be revisited here:
This game was to be no different, except we got off to a mixed start regarding terrain placement. Traditionally an infantry army picked from Table A and a cavalry army picked from Table B. However, a new reading was that "the table" to be used was the one dictated by the composition of the defending army. This produced a battlefield swamped with terrain to such an extent that our two armies would not have engaged.
The compromised terrain. The brown is impassable and the green a wood.
Not ideal for my Huns, but at least it provided an opportunity to at least have a go.
The longbows got the first shot and every unit scored at least one hit,
that was then compounded by three poor cohesion rolls on my part.
The damaged units attempt to recover.
The shooting continues, and one unit of longbow is routed,
but another unit of Huns is wrecked.
The Huns try and spread out...
But it all falls apart.
There was one more turn after this but understandably I failed to take a photo. Victory to the English.
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