Sunday, September 15, 2024

Two 11/39

Finally getting through some projects.  These came with the Pz II and Pz IIs from Gaming Models. They are a bit rough, put come up okay with a paint and remembering on the table top you are not as close to seeing the models as they appear in these images.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Classical Indians versus Sui Dynasty Chinese

My Classical Indian army hasn't seen much action, but this was a chance for them to fight Karl's Sui Chinese.

The Indians won the scouting.

Both sides advance.

The Indian cavalry conduct a superlative charge,
routing the Chinese medium cavalry.
The Chinese pull back their right, 
but push ahead with their left.

The Chinese warbands lay a trap for the Indian chariots.
Meanwhile their heavy cavalry charge.

The Indians pull back on their left
as their infantry struggle with the Chinese on the right.

The Indian infantry are losing the fight.
Can their general with his elephants save the day?

The elephants are too slow to save the infantry...

But they make a grand effort and rout the Chinese infantry 
winning the battle.

Pavese cancel mounted impetus bonus, even for elephants.

Long spear and similar do not apply if it is a flank or rear charge.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Kingdom of Heaven - Second Crusade The Second Time

This time I was the Seljuk player and Richard the Crusaders.

I tried something different and Zengi blockaded Jocelyn in the castle at Bira.  Zengi struggled to make progress, but after building a siege tower an assault was made.  It failed.  Then he tried filling in the moat, but a second assault also failed.  Zengi goes home.

At the start of Turn two Zengi is assassinated and Nur ad-Din takes over.  He decides to ignore the county of Edessa and goes to Antioch. The Crusaders reinforce the city and a siege begins.  Sappers and miners significantly reduce the fortifications, but the attackers are weakened by "blockade" runner (as it is a port there is no actual blockade).  Battering rams are employed further damaging Antioch's defences.  However, the garrison makes a sortie and inflict a major defeat on the Seljuk besiegers who flee through Manbij angering the Assassins who join the Crusaders (as do the Damascenes around this time).

Turn 3 sees Nur ad-Din gather his forces and head to Edessa and blockade it.  A lengthy siege ensues with siege towers and battering rams being employed.  Trying to distract the Seljuks, Duke Leopold starts a siege of Aleppo, but his supplies run low.  In contrast rats in the garrison of Edessa's food weaken them and an assault is made.  It fails.  Desperate (and down to the last card) another assault is made, it too fails, almost, if there had been anyone left standing in the city's garrison.  The Seljuks capture the city and the necessary VPs to avoid sudden defeat.

The situation around the end of Turn three.

Turn four sees heretics cause unrest in Jerusalem and bad weather delay the arrival of more Crusaders.  They still manage to start a siege of Aleppo, but an epidemic breaks out in their camp and winter ends the turn.

Turn five and disagreements over loot split the Crusaders as they restart their siege of Aleppo. They construct a siege tower, but their supplies are running low. They try an assault and while casualties are caused to both sides, the city holds firm.  Meanwhile the Seljuks try some diplomacy with the Fatimids, but without success.

Turn six and Baldwin leads the Crusaders back to try and capture Aleppo. They suffer losses when the garrison sorties and again find their supplies running low.  They are unable to take the city and the game ends in a draw.

The Crusaders besieging Aleppo.

This game plays well (mostly) and the siege system works well.  However, it is really frustrating if you are dealt a bad hand of cards, and a few things can really turn on lucky die rolls.  But it plays quick once the rules are mastered.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Middle Republican Romans versus Gauls

An historical match up, but Curtis is still learning the rules and his Gallic army is very much a work in progress, so this was very much a practice game for him.

Out scouted, the Romans deployed their wings forward and their centre back.

The Roman wings advance

The Numidian cavalry on the left come off the worse for running down some young Gauls.

But the Gauls covering the wings have a miserable run on Cohesion Tests (fours sixes in a row)

A lone Gallic warband advances to support their right wing.

The much-reduced enemy chariots try to do a last-ditch charge,
while on their other flank their weakened cavalry tries to hide behind the wood.

The chariots got in a lucky hit and left the Roman legion exposed to the newly arrived warband.
The remaining young Gauls refuse to die,
but their cavalry has routed.

The Romans have secured the wings but lost a legion.
The other Gallic warbands are now advancing.
However, the elite Gauls have stayed on the hill.

The battle will be decided by the clash of legion and warband.
The Numidian cavalry had charged the flank of the victorious warband,
but come off badly.

Victory for the legions.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Pz IV and three Pz II

Looks like mummy duck and three baby ducks.

and are best described as no frills, but admirably do the job.
Their range is extensive so well worth a look for wargaming.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Kingdom of Heaven - Second Crusade

After my debacle with the Crusaders in the first crusade, Richard was happy for me to go the Crusaders again.

This scenario is six turns, and each turn a player has seven cards which are needed to activate leaders, play events or prosecute sieges (and it is sieges where this game excels in my opinion).

After an eventful siege that saw an epidemic, sappers and miners, and battering rams, 
Edessa fell to an assault by the Muslims under the command of Zengi.  
The nominal Christian ruler of Edessa, Joselyn II, fled to Antioch.
Both sides tried to woo Damascus.
There was an abortive siege of Bira.

Then a mighty siege of Antioch took place, however the besiegers were again struck by epidemic.
The siege was only broken off by Zengi when his supplies started to run low 
and his siege tower was burnt down.

Louis and Conrad arrive but are delayed by heavy rains.
Zengi captures the stronghold of Gaston near Antioch,
in preparation for another move on that city.

After successfully intercepting a force of cavalry that had move to block his movement,
Louis reaches Edessa and puts it under blockade.
Crusader reinforcements arrived to assist the garrisons of the coastal cities.

The siege of Edessa sees more sappers and miners doing their thing 
along with yet another epidemic which this time spread to the inhabitants,
weakening them so that Edessa fell to assault.
Zengi is assassinated and in a further blow to the Muslims,
more Crusader reinforcements arrive.
Damascus becomes Pro Muslim, 
but then changes its mind 
and goes back 
to being neutral.

Baldwin who had been celebrating his majority in Antioch,
marches on Aleppo, with Gaston surrendering at his approach.
Another epidemic breaks out and causes losses for the Crusaders,
but the defenders of Aleppo find rats in their food
which so dishearten them that the city falls to an assault.

The Crusaders win with 30VPs.

Die rolls can have a significant effect at times, but more critical seems to be the cards.  At times each of us held cards that would help the other player (and therefore denied them an advantage), but in turn didn't do anything for our side.  These two aspects will generate a lot of variation in play.

Richard's report:

Turn 1

Edessa falls after an outbreak of epidemic in the Seljuk camp (not spreading of course) through use of sappers and battering rams and a final assault.

Turn 2

The siege of Antioch, which was never going to fall due to weak Seljuk forces and inability to set up a blockade.

Turn 3

Siege of Antioch abandoned after Seljuk siege tower burned down by Greek fire and then supplies running low. Seljuks moved to Gaston which fell to call for surrender.

Damascus joins the pro-Muslim forces on a diplomacy roll.

Turn 4

The crusaders arrive and suffer modest losses (5 steps). Despite being stopped by "heavy rain", this did not stop them from intercepting cavalry sent to shadow. (waste of time unless you have more than 6 units).

Samosata fails to Seljuk call for surrender. More (unnecessary) Crusaders arrive.

Turn 5

Crusaders brush past Seljuk cavalry ready to shadow, but in wrong spots due to rule misunderstanding. Besiege and storm Edessa, after an ineffectual outbreak of epidemic which was effective against the defenders.

Even more (unnecessary) Crusaders arrive, along with (un-needed) Turcopoles for the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

Damascus goes neutral again.

Zengi assassinated, replaced with dud 3 activation cost leader.

Turn 6

Could have skipped this turn entirely as nothing would change result, but that happened anyway due to cards drawn.

Seljuks had one 2 card and 6 1 cards. Could do absolutely nothing anyway with puny forces. Elected to PASS to end game as quickly as possible.

Aleppo falls to assault after brief siege. Crusaders lose Raymond, Tigurd and 4 units to epidemic. (Of zero consequence as Aleppo not even needed for scenario win).