Monday, June 24, 2024

Barbarossa Revisited - GT 1

AGC and AGN campaign.  In looking for the possibility of making a Mandated Attack (which requires 6 steps and odds of at least 3:2) I can find none in Segment C.  I could get 6 steps in about three attacks, but odds were 1:2.  One attack at 2:1 looked good, but then I realised it was 6 stacking points that the Soviets had, not steps. With the special GT 1 restrictions, this means Soviet motorized units can't move in their motorised movement segment.

In the centre Mandated attacks are set to zero after the Axis capture Brest.  However, in the north the Soviets make one attack.  It started at 4:1, but after reaction movement dropped to 2:1.  The result was a Retreat.  However, the three units that were committed to the attack could only muster five steps, not the required six.  Mandated attacks suck.

The attack
The result was just to force the Axis to retreat, no losses.

The situation at the end of GT 1

AGN - blue line is the original border, red line is how far they have advanced.


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