Sunday, February 13, 2022

General d'Armee

So I rocked up to the club expecting to play Black Powder with some of Simon's excellent SYW figures and find I am playing General d'Armee with some of his excellent Napoleonic figures. Such is life.

This photo doesn't do the figures justice,
although I am sure you can get a feel for their charm

Originally I was going to play the British

But I ended up with the French playing against Curtis and John,
with Simon umpiring.

This was the first game of GdA for all of us.  Simon had the rules and had watched some videos and so he was the expert, although we were able to cal on some of the other club members to help us out with rule interpretations etc (but not many).

Given our novice nature, even raw conscript in my case, with the rules, it is not surprising that we only managed to complete about six turns and were yet to really get into action.

I had been busy given attention to using my artillery to bombard the enemy, while hoping my skirmishers might have some luck in resisting the rifle armed British equivalents.  This was all to give me time to redeploy my cavalry from the left to the right which I successfully did.

The intention is to pick the game up at this point next week.

My impression of GdA is that it is very much like Shako, without some of the ridged movement restrictions, although not having read the rules I won't make too much of this.

Makes me want to do more Napoleon's Battles though!


  1. Try Age of Eagles [the Fire & Fury variant] Far easier to play & you dont have to worry about micromanaging battalions & squadrons as the Brigade is the smallest unit.

    1. I am a fan of Fire n Fury so should take to Age of Eagles.
